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After being discovered in a storm drain in Lebanon County, a 15-year-old dog is currently in need of foster care

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    Despite making remarkable progress, Buddy still has medical needs, including upcoming medical appointments which will be completely covered by the HSLC.

    LEBANON COUNTY, Pa. — A 15-year-old dog was rescued by volunteers with the Humane Society of Lebanon County (HSLC) and is now looking for a foster family. 

    According to the animal shelter, on May 28, just after closing, staff members received an urgent call about a dog in a storm drain. The dog appeared to be dead at first glance but lifted its head slowly when the drain grate was removed. 


    A volunteer and staff member immediately went to the scene, knowing medical attention would most likely be needed. 

    "It was a heartbreaking sight, the poor pup was huddled in a ball, skinny, defeated and looking close to death," wrote a staff member with the Humane Society of Lebanon County in a Facebook post. 

    The dog was carefully taken out of the storm drain and taken to an emergency vet for immediate medical care. 

    "We really were not sure he was even going to make it, we did not know, but we had to try," the Facebook post reads. 

    The dog, named Buddy, was 15 years old and had been lost for three weeks. 


    Staff members then received a call from the emergency vet asking HSLC to take ownership and medical/financial care of Buddy. 

    "Without hesitation, we said yes, we had to try. He had endured so much," the animal shelter wrote. 

    Attempts to reunite Buddy with his owner reportedly failed and he has been under the shelter's care since May. 

    Despite making remarkable progress, Buddy still has medical needs, including some medical appointments for ultrasounds, X-rays and an ophthalmologist appointment. 


    Due to medical issues, he cannot be sedated, so going into foster care while he receives treatment would be the best bet for him. The HSLC will continue to cover all medical, food and care for Buddy, but a foster family for Buddy is needed. 

    "The world is full of negativity, sadness and events we can't fully understand. Please focus on kindness, supporting and healing. Let's find Buddy a foster," the Facebook post ended with, "The journey continues... for Buddy."


    Buddy is reportedly nonchalant with cats and gets along well with dogs that are calmer in their demeanor. For those interested in fostering Buddy, you can complete a foster application at lebanonhumane.org or email [email protected] to learn more about Buddy.  


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    Author: Jamie Fox

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    Name: Jamie Fox

    Birthday: 2021-10-22

    Address: 268 Coleman Parkways Apt. 964, Francomouth, WY 73182

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    Introduction: My name is Jamie Fox, I am a talented, audacious, transparent, frank, Adventurous, rich, strong-willed person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.