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Aggies giving back: Volunteer-built clinics are sent to Dallas, Nigeria, and the Ukraine

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    COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) - The built four medical clinics that shipped out to Ukraine, Nigeria, and Dallas, TX on April 19.

    These Medical Clinics have one unique aspect, they’re all built from 40 foot long shipping containers. Each of the containers meet all the essential functions of a medical clinic with electrical wiring, lighting, plumbing and air conditioning.

    “When these clinics are being built, they are being used and they are being utilized to help people and serve people and I think that is the most rewarding part of all. Is seeing the clinics in operation and saying ‘Oh I built that door, or I helped construct that frame” said Kate-Riley Rogers, Chief Executive Officer of the TAMU BUILD team.

    Two of the four Texas Aggie medical clinics, or TAMCs will make a pitstop to their partner Medical Bridges in Houston where they’ll be fitted with $50,000 worth of medical supplies and equipment.

    “It’s incredibly rewarding and especially with the Aggie core values. If your looking to serve this is a great place to do it” said Rogers.

    For more information, or to volunteer click here.

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    Article information

    Author: Amy Bryan

    Last Updated: 1702225803

    Views: 1041

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    Author information

    Name: Amy Bryan

    Birthday: 1992-03-24

    Address: 424 Jennifer Center Apt. 150, Reginastad, AR 34768

    Phone: +4295728797789801

    Job: Dietitian

    Hobby: Amateur Radio, Table Tennis, Baking, Telescope Building, Bird Watching, Rowing, Traveling

    Introduction: My name is Amy Bryan, I am a irreplaceable, expert, rare, vibrant, clever, unyielding, artistic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.